menu option provides information about Masonry and about our Temple.
Reservation information is provided, you can take a quick tour of the
building, and find a caterer.
VISIT US: provides a
map of the area and links to the Masonic Lodges that are located at
Temple. A link to the District 3 and Dist 12 Masonic Organizations on
West Puget Sound is also provided.
EVENTS: This menu
option provides information about the regular events scheduled monthly
at the temple and lists the Concordant Masonic organizations in the
CONTACTS: provides
names, phone numbers, and email addresses of Temple Board officers. It
also provides you with a means for feedback of your comments to the
webmaster and the Board.
LINKS: this page
provides links to other web sites you may find interesting and
SITE MAP: Provides
another means of finding information at this site. |